have been far to busy this past month - the xmas thing, dinner for six, out-of-town guests, horribly sick, more guests (we've had five sleep over in the last month), a birthday party for baby to which we invited more people than we realised, helping a friend move, hosting refugees of the great blackout, helping a friend with immigration issues, having family over, and again horribly sick. i have managed to make a few little things along the way though - a hat for cousin oliver, a scarf and vest for harry, and thankfully i got a boatload of cooking done last week before being felled by "something viral," so we won't starve. but not a lot of time to do much.
i did however finally get around to seeing
lars and the real girl, which i cried through like a baby (i grew up in a small town like that, but there wasn't any rallying-around-the-lonely-nutter that i recall - quite the opposite), and which made me feel a little crafty - lars wears a knitted baby blanket throughout, and church ladies come over and knit and embroider. and in typical synchronistic form, just as i was thinking again about knitting and movies, i stumbled across
this list of knitting references in movies. brilliant.