i've booked a week off work to de-stress and get the house a bit sorted. it's begun not terribly auspiciously; yesterday a toothache sent me to the dentist and resulted in an extraction (i got there at three-thirty and didn't leave until 6 o'clock!) complete with pain-killers and a mush-diet. so, i was not in a great mood when the painter arrived to finish the dining room. but it is so lovely now! photos don't capture the colour perfectly, but it is a lovley mauve-ish grey:

as opposed to voice-of-fire:

while the painting was happening, i rolled all of the lovely skeins cathryn sent me into balls, guesstimating the yardage on each as i went.

still searching for the perfect pattern for the qiviut! (i think it's around 280 yards of 16 wpi)

and just for fun i baked a cake: chocolate-peanutbutter-banana.
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