
i don't even want to think about the old to-do list...

to do list:
- hat for baby ellington - done and sent!
- placemats/napkins - done!
- kitchen curtains - done!
- xmas cards!! - done! (although i suppose it's never to early to worry about this year's)
- pullover for h - done!
- wrap cardigan for me - this is so tedious, it might be in permanent hibernation
- xmas other stuff (tree skirt, finish embroidery on stockings, wreath?) - err, i know we had a tree skirt last year, and the wreath is thisclose to finished
- knitting needle roll/project bag - done!
- curtains for living/dining rooms - not started
- squid curling sweater for h - not started
- living room slipcovers - not started
- cottage stuff - curtains, quilt - still working on the fabric

hrm, there are a number of things crossed off, but still more not started. oops.

of course, i've also done a few other things that were never on the list at all. so maybe it all evens out?

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