today i'm wearing an all-time favourite - polkadots and bows! so comfortable and girlish. the dress is lined with the same blue cotton the bows are made of.
i've also been busy with my knitting despite two needle crises - one circ that vanished, and one circ that broke. replaced both at knitomatic last night, where i also picked up some mission falls for $3.50 a ball! i'm sad there will be no more mission falls, but boy was i glad to get some for that price!
so this morning i got my spring dreams dress off the broken needle and onto the new one (knitpicks harmony - have't tried them before, but i'm kind of excited that i can get them at my lys!), while waiting for the bus:
and last night i moved my swooner bed jacket from a too-short circ to a right-sized one. this is my "sweater" for the knitomatic sweater-along:
i will try to be more consistent with posting for the rest of me-made june 2011...
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