

well, the stash is tamed, the baby room is done (well, i still want to recover the world's ugliest glider), all just in time for us to move out!

let's have a look at those before pics again:

before - yikes!

a work in progress

and the final glorious completed room!

baby room after - the stash is tamed!

baby room after - the stash is tamed!

baby room after - the stash is tamed!

i'm so proud of myself, i'm getting all misty. i've spent a lot of time in that room with the wee one, looking at his tree. sigh.

but hey, if you know anyone looking for an apartment, it is currently up for grabs - email me for info (i'm taking my sewing table with me though, dammit!)


more brit tv

was getting photos off of my phone, and found this cutie:

dalek onesie

harry's outgrown it already - this photo is a couple of months old! - but he rocked this onesie and a tardis onesie (the classic doctor who good vs. evil), both of which came courtesy of erin's crazy craftiness.


i am not a number... i am a free baby!

okay, here is a much-delayed hallowe'en post. the picture is awful - i took it myself with my mobile. yikes! better photos to come soon, along with a tutorial.

the original, patrick mcgoohan in the prisoner (and yes, i know it's tv rather than a movie, but a film version is in the works):

original number six

and here's the wee one:

number six baby

the jacket is from scratch; i made the pattern based on a little cardigan that fits him well at the moment. i couldn't find plain khakis (why? why?) so these are converted overalls purchased at value village. his shirt is just a onesie, hemmed to make it a pullover. and the badge is a printout of the original penny farthing logo on cardstock, taped down to a button that was kicking around.


summer's over

wow, it has been a really busy time around here, what with the baby taking up all of my waking hours, and tons of trips - how many kids get to travel by car, bus, train, airplane, and canoe, all by the time they're six months old? but we're eager to get back into the swing of things, now that the kiddo is old enough to keep himself entertained crawling around at my feet while i knit and quilt!

i did finish the angora turtleneck that i mentioned in my last post, but unfortunately it was too warm and made the baby all perspirey, and also it sheds a LOT - he ended up with a big lint farm aka choking hazard under his chin! maybe i'll give it a wash and see if that helps with the shedding.

meanwhile, he has already outgrown his totoro hat:

harry outgrows his totoro hat



long time no post. sorry about that. who new having a baby was so much work? i guess i should have read the books and done the math more carefully: 10+ feeds a day at 25+ minutes each doesn't leave a lot of time for much else. like eating or sleeping, for example.

however: when we were visiting ottawa last month, i saw a newspaper ad for a sale at the awesome wool-tyme, an opportunity not to be missed. so far, i have a half-finished argyle cardigan for the little one (which has reminded me why i rarely knit patterns - all those little balls of yarn! augh!) and i'm almost done a charcoal-grey angora turtleneck. because angora is such a great fibre for someone to wear who spits up all the time. but it will look so cute with his totoro hat!


stupidest thing ever.

have you all read this?

i can't believe how stupid that bank is. long story short: lots of people signed up for the blue moon fibre arts rockin' sock club. So many that blue moon's bank decided that it couldn't be true. surely there are not that many people interested in knitting socks? so they froze blue moon's account and refunded everyone's money. boggling. you can see how such an action would throw a small business into total financial turmoil. idiots!

anyway, blue moon has a new bank now, and is rebuilding their website to incorporate the new bank system. they are magnanimously not revealing the name of evil bank (but if they do, you can be sure i'll post it here so that any small business shopping around for a bank shall be forewarned). but once they're up and running again, i will definitely be buying some yarn from them as a show of support. also because their yarn is lovely.

not joining the sock club, though. i already have enough sock yarn and single completed socks to outfit an army of lepers and amputees. i think i'll get this!


now that's just silly

still busy getting ready for baby - a task that will inevitably fill the amount of time available. why is everything like that? it's just always easy to find another thing that "needs" doing... right now, i'm making a new mattress pad and bumpers for the moses basket. just because it is always more fun to start a new project than it is to finish an old one! which is also why i built a wee table/stool for the bathroom before finishing the sewing table. priorities? what are those?

meanwhile, thought y'all might enjoy this pattern for a hat that looks like a giant glove. tres stylish!


more progress!

okay, i am determined to get a mitre box today and finish this sucker, but in the meantime, i thought i'd post a terrifying before picture and a look-how-far-we've-come picture.


the stash of doom


but look at it now:

the stash put away and organised

so much better! i can see where everything is! whee!

and not only that, but being able to find things makes it easier to do things. i was able to find my button stash and slipper bottoms, so i finally finished the slippers that i started months ago:




i started out with the plain jane pattern from kinda grape, but made them stockinette instead of garter, and a lot smaller (i was halfway through the kinda grape pattern when i realised they were huge! and i wear a size ten! i swear i checked my tension!), and made the toes less square. i am quite pleased with how they turned out!



okay, i have spent the day cutting and drilling and painting, and the sewing table is very nearly done. i'm even feeling ready to think about posting progress pics soon! when all there was was "before" it was kind of demoralising, but now that i've got some stuff done, i'm feeling quite confident that the rest is doable.

what i'd really like are some proper sawhorses. using a circular saw isn't half the fun when you have to waste time trying to sort out where to put your 96" x 28" piece of wood before you start cutting. and, to make matters more irritating, i was nearly done my final cut when the not-properly-supported-by-sawhorses plywood gave way a bit, resulting in a nasty-looking chunk taken out of one end (on the good side, of course). so then i had to waste even more time repairing it (25 minutes of clamping while the glue was setting). grr. but, after a quick bit of sanding, you couldn't tell that anything untoward had happened. yay!