
I'm back!

Wow, this blog has been abandoned for a while! Whoops. I had an issue with a creepy creep who used it to find my home address and send me threats on Yelp. No really. People are the worst.

Anyway creeps better look out, because I now have superpowers including time travel! Not really. But my Hallowe'en costume for Five from Umbrella Academy might scare someone into thinking that? Maybe? No?

So I'll confess a fair amount of this is prefab - the socks, the shorts, the shirt, the tie. The jacket is from the Sally Ann, with bias tape hand sewn around the edges, and I embroidered a crest, which you can't see in that photo at all! Here it is:

And obviously the vest is a hand knit, because I always forget how much I hate knitting argyle:

So hello again! Maybe I'll start posting here more regularly if I actually get some projects done... or started... I have a couple of filmcrafty projects in mind, but have been too busy with pandemic baking to get much done. We shall see!

Meantime, I updated the links to all of the free knitting patterns I posted previously, if anyone still wants them!