
i met the walrus

one of the shorts we funded got nominated for an academy award! woo hoo! it's called i met the walrus and all the info is available here. it's screening at sundance this week, too. i sense a busy month coming up for bravo!fact...

the story behind the short is interesting - when he was just a kid (14 years old), jerry levitan talked his way into john lennon's hotel room to conduct an interview. that tape is the soundtrack for some gorgeous animation. huge congrats to jerry and director josh raskin for their awesome work!


while i'm at it, here's the trailer:


a new year, a new start

well, looking at all of my posts so far, i realise two things:

1. my favourite title for posts is "whee"

2. i got nothing done once wee h came along

and so, in an effort to get myself in gear, i've decided the best inspiration to do more work is to give myself more work to do! so, i'mk going to redesign this blog, since it looks pretty dull. and since i'm too cheap to go pro with this site, filmcraft is moving to blogger. so - today a new url, and renovations to follow shortly!


2008 already?

well, i was planning for christmas 2007 (aka "the christmas of extreme poverty") to be the christmas of unfinished craft projects (i.e. finishing them and giving them as gifts), but a combination of thing - the unexpected moving, packing, unpacking, being unable to find things, mostly - meant that didn't happen. at least i have the sewing table put together! although at the moment it is just a repository for laundry waiting to be folded.

also, i am back at work, and that + babysitter pick-ups takes up a lot of time (no surprise there).

all of this blather to say there are no new crafts, and no new news, except for this irrelevant item: a year ago, i posted on my long-abandoned vox blog about a weird thing i saw at the florist. well, i randomly discovered what it is! it's a member of the nightshade family.

weird yellow things