

after double-checking that yes, russell brand is indeed in forgetting sarah marshall (the film with the most annoying ad campaign ever, hence no linky), i noticed that he is also in a remake of st trinians! that started me thinking - if they are remaking that, then a carry on revival can't be far off. and yes, there is something in the works - although apparently they've been promising to start production since 2003.

but all that is beside the point. the exciting news is that this led me to discover the best discussion thread on the internet ever:

Why London will fail like Columbus
by matthew-reynolds2 (Wed Feb 13 2008 09:59:44)
Just see my review on Amazon.co.uk ( that you can vote on ) on the VHS of Carry On Columbus which states why the failure of the 1992 revival means that the 2008 endevour is also doomed . To avoid writing the same stuff again I just thought that I would direct people to my review of the Carry On Columbus VHS which I have written under the name Mr Carry On Fan . I have also written reviews of Carry On Dick , Carry On England , Carry On Behind and Carry On Emmanuelle as well as Carry On Laughing and Grace & Favour aka Are You Being Served Again . To save me writing it all over again I thought that I would just direct people to Amazon.co.uk where under the name Mr Carry On Fan I have written reviews of these films & TV shows . I hope that they are of interest .

I find Amazon.co.uk very useful as you can read other peoples reviews & vote them as part of deciding whether or not to make a purchase . It is very helpful indeed !

Re: Why London will fail like Columbus
by Kagey_B (Thu Mar 13 2008 06:16:51)
Please note, other online retailers are available.

Re: Why London will fail like Columbus
by WesJones-1 (Tue Mar 18 2008 12:12:36)
you could, of course, just simply copy and paste.

Re: Why London will fail like Columbus
by matthew-reynolds2 (Mon Mar 24 2008 10:03:05)
Good point ! I am still a learner when it comes to computers !

oh, internet, i love you so.



i am so excited. i have been wanting and wishing to find one of these, but hadn't actually looked for one or anything. imagine my delight to see them while waiting for my order to be filled at my beloved lee valley! now, there is nothing to stop me from heading over to the leather & sewing supply depot on my lunch and digging through their scrap bin... yay.

and speaking of the supply depot, here is a good list of similarly useful supplyers for all your crafting needs.


how come i've never seen this blog before?

this morning i came across the blog of gillian rode while looking for something else (instructions on how to wear an olena zylak shawl). she's a props maker among other things and has great shots of what goes on behind the scenes at the canadian opera company. which apparently has its own craft show in november and december! why didn't i know that?