

yarn for secret xmas surprise gift has arrived! i can probably post about it here since i am fairly certain my husband doesn't read my blog, but i'll wait and see for a moment at least.

in other news, i submitted a pattern to knitty! barely made it for the deadline today. cross your fingers for me please! i've never submitted a pattern anywhere before.

i've also got another pattern in the works which i'll probably be posting here shortly. although part of me thinks i should maybe put my various boy patterns together into a little booklet? we'll see. i was thinking i could put these recent patterns together with a couple of boys' curling sweaters (baby loves birds and 20000 leagues). maybe i'll see if i can get anyone to test-knit the sweaters and see how it goes from there?


  1. If you need someone to take pictures for your patterns I totally volunteer!

  2. i should totally get you to do that, if only as an excuse to get together.
